MPRG activities and Covid-19

Due to the current restrictions MPRG has postponed the 3-day conference, planned to take place at Durham University in June 2020, until 2021.

Our Constitution requires us to hold an Annual General Meeting (AGM) before the 31st December of each year, MPRG Council is considering holding a one-day conference and the AGM towards the end of this year and further information will be circulated in due course.

The MPRG training course due to be held 4-5 April 2020 in York was also postponed until such a time that it is possible to meet in safety.

Apologies to those of you who have not yet received a copy of Medieval Ceramics 39; the volume is mailed out by volunteers and publications are stored in a building that has been closed. The volumes will be sent out when it is possible to gain access to the building and when volunteers can work safely.

Wherever you may be stay safe and well and we all look forward to being able to meet up and discuss pottery as soon as possible.

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