How to Join

Membership is open to any person or Institution wishing to join.

Current rates are as follows:

  • Personal subscription GBP £30
  • Institutional subscription GBP £40

The annual subscription is due on February 1st each year. Unfortunately we cannot accept credit card payments for membership (or publication orders).
The journal of the Medieval Pottery Research Group, Medieval Ceramics, is published annually, and is sent to all paid-up personal members, as well as to newly joined members.

Payment information

UK members

Annual direct payments by a banker’s Standing Order form are preferred and a form will be sent to you upon request but payments can also be made by cheque (payable to “Medieval Pottery Research Group”), direct bank transfer or PayPal. Please contact: for further information on these payment methods.

Overseas members

Subscriptions can be made by direct bank transfer or via PayPal for payment details please contact the Treasurer Cash and cheques (in sterling) are also accepted, but cash is sent at own risk.

Institutional Subscribers

Institutions or their subscription agency may subscribe by setting up a banker’s Standing Order alternatively an invoice can be sent on receipt of Medieval Ceramics, payments are accepted by cheques (in stirling), direct bank transfer or via PayPal.

Membership Application Forms

Please find membership application forms for individual and institutional membership here:

If you are a UK taxpayer MPRG can reclaim the tax paid on your subscription through Gift Aid and we would be grateful if you would complete the Gift Aid Declaration attached to the individual membership form.
