About Medieval Ceramics
Medieval Ceramics is the journal of the Medieval Pottery Research Group. This page contains volumes of the journal which are now out of print – as we run out of hard copies of later editions, more will appear here. Hard copies of in print journals, as well as of our Occasional Papers can be purchased from the Medieval Pottery Research Group.
We have also uploaded a copy of the Standard for Pottery Studies in Archaeology, which was published in 2016.
Copyright of the papers lies with the authors and MPRG. Please contact the editor (jervisb@cardiff.ac.uk) should you wish to reproduce any content.
Scanning of volumes 13-20 was kindly funded by the John Wheelright Archaeology Society.
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You can view the following out of print editions of Medieval Ceramics on this site using the box above, or the full list below.
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Note this page only lists the contents of the out of print volumes published here. To see the full contents list of all editions of Medieval Ceramics please click here.
- ‘Neutron Activation Analysis of Medieval Ceramics’, by A Aspinall.
- ‘A note on Continental imports in the North West 800-1700 AD’, by PJ Davey and JA Rutter.
- ‘The Brenig Hafod: a study of pottery use, dispersal and survival on an upland site’, by JP Greene.
- ‘Red-painted pottery in North-Western Europe: new light on an old controversy’, by R Hodges.
- ‘An approach to pottery study: Stamford Ware’, by K Kilmurry.
- ‘Some aspects of pottery quantification’, by AG Vince.
- ‘Annotations on Anglo-Saxon pottery’, by JG Hurst.
- ‘Medieval Pottery Research Group – constitution’.
- ‘Museum Documentation Association – proposed pottery record cards’, by JD Wilcock.
- ‘Documentary evidence for the uses of medieval pottery: an interim statement’, SJ Moorhouse.
- ‘La Poterie Carolingienne de Trans (Ille et Vilaine, France)’, by Loic Langoet and Daniel Mouton.
- ‘An experimental tile kiln at Norton Priory, Cheshire’, by JP Greene and B Johnson.
- ‘Pottery from excavations in Hull’, by G Watkins.
- ‘Polychrome Ware and Italy’, by D Whitehouse.
- ‘A bibliography of North African medieval pottery’, by G Vitelli and D Pringle.
- ‘The Welsh Medieval Pottery Research Group’ – note by N Kerr.
- ‘Three approaches to the problem of pottery descriptions’, by A Robinson.
- ‘The Clogher Yellow Layer’, by R Warner.
- ‘An early 13th century double-flued pottery kiln at Carrickfergus, Co. Antrim: an interim report’, by ML Simpson, PS Bryan, TG Delaney and A Dickson.
- ‘Tudor Green: some further thoughts’, by S Moorhouse.
- ‘Description and inference with the Late Medieval pottery from Qsar es-Seghir, Morocco’, by CL Redman.
- ‘Methods of cataloguing pottery in Inner London: an historical outline’, by M Rhodes.
- ‘Note: Glossary of less common pottery forms’, by R Hodges.
- ‘Technology, supply or demand?’, by H Blake.
- ‘Forum Ware again’, by D Whitehouse.
- ‘Late Saxon pottery from Oxfordshire: evidence and speculation’, by M Mellor.
- ‘Techniques of pottery manufacture in East Yorkshire and North Lincolnshire’, by C Hayfield.
- ‘A further note on the origins of Saintonge polychrome jugs’, by KJ Barton.
- ‘A petrological examination of the Downpatrick kiln pottery’, by M McCorry.
- ‘The use of the terms quartz and quartzite in ceramic inclusions’, by RC Wright and PJ Davey.
- ‘Three large pottery groups from Saint-Denis, a comparative approach’, by Olivier Meyer, David Coxhall and Nicole Meyer.
- ‘The determinations of archaeomagnetic field variations from archaeological ceramics’, by Ken Games.
- ‘Early-Middle Saxon pottery in Northampton: a review of the evidence’, by Mary Gryspeerdt.
- ‘Medieval pottery from Wissant (N France)’, by Bob Alvey and Frans Verhaeghe.
- ‘The medieval pottery of Palestine and Transjordan (AD 636-1500): an introduction, gazeteer and bibliography’, by Denys Pringle.
- ‘The First Gerald Dunning Memorial Lecture: Gerald Dunning and his contribution to medieval archaeology’, by JG Hurst.
- ‘Medieval ceramics in South-East England: a regional research strategy’, by Anthony DF Streeten.
- ‘The social and economic changes of the later Middle Ages and the pottery of the period’, by Christopher Dyer.
- ‘Towards a wider view of pottery production – a potter comments on some archaeological reports’, by Jose Bosworth.
- ‘An analysis of pottery from Elgin and North-East Scotland’, by Stephen Cracknell.
- ‘The Second Gerald Dunning Memorial Lecture: Low Countries medieval pottery imported into Scotland – notes on a minor trade’, by F Verhaeghe.
- ‘Documentary evidence and its potential for understanding the inland movement of medieval pottery’, by S Moorhouse.
- ‘A future for medieval pottery studies?’, by PJ Davey.
- ‘Low Countries pottery in Elgin, Scotland’, by F Verhaeghe and W Lindsay.
- ‘A semi-circular firecover from the Tyler Hill kilns, Canterbury’, by S Moorhouse.
- Corrigenda: Ceramics and Trade, PJ Davey and R Hodges (eds).
- ‘The Third Gerald Dunning Lecture: Three aspects of the wheel-turned pottery of Dorestad – a synopsis’, by WA van Es, AC Bardet and WJH Verwers.
- ‘Kangan: a traditional pottery in Southern Iran’, by D Whitehouse.
- ‘Anglo-Saxon pottery and die-stamps: preliminary notes on a programme of experimental archaeology’, by MA Stokes.
- ‘The use of petrology in the study of medieval ceramics: case studies from Southern England’, by AG Vince.
- ‘Roulette Ware’, by S Gelichi.
- ‘A preliminary note on a Late Saxon ware from Nottingham’, by V Nailor.
- ‘A note on the completion of the final draft of the ‘Basic Terminology for Medieval Pottery in North Germany’, by H Lüdtke.
- ‘The Fourth Gerald Dunning Memorial Lecture: Sex, Magic and Dr Gerald Dunning’, by John Cherry.
- ‘Diffusion or impedance – obstacles to innovation in medieval ceramics’, by Clive Orton.
- ‘Looking at cross-fits’, by Duncan Brown.
- ‘Archaeomagnitude determinations for Britain and South-West USA from 600AD to 1700AD and their implications for medieval pottery studies’, by KP Games and PJ Davey.
- ‘The pottery supply of Duisburg, Rhineland, in the ninth-tenth century’, by Antje Kluge Pinsker.
- ‘The earliest dated finds of pottery in Ribe’, by Per Kristian Madsen.
- ‘Twelfth and Thirteenth Century Coventry Wares, with special reference to a waster group from the Cannon Park Estate (Lychgate Road), Coventry’, by Mark Redknap.
- ‘The Fifth Gerald Dunning Memorial Lecture: Potters and Pots’, by Jean Le Patourel.
- ‘Pottery stamps – a Middle Saxon viewpoint’, by ID Riddler.
- ‘The Early Medieval pottery from Quentovic – an interim note’, by C Coutts and M Worthington.
- ‘Late Saxon tiles from Coventry’, by MA Stokes with D Tweddle.
- ‘Analytical analysis and manufacturing techniques of Anglo-Saxon tiles’, by IM Betts.
- ‘Dung tempering? A Late Norse case study from Caithness’, by DRM Gaimster.
- ‘Interim note on a Twelfth Century pottery kiln from Canterbury’, by N Macpherson-Grant.
- ‘A survey of the research of Danish medieval pottery’, by P Kristian Madsen.
- ‘Non-dating uses of medieval pottery’, by S Moorhouse.
- ‘The National Reference Collection of Medieval Pottery’, by J Cherry.
- ‘The Sixth Gerald Dunning Memorial Lecture: Roof tiles – some observations and questions’, by JM Lewis.
- ‘A closely dated group of Late Medieval pottery from Mount Grace Priory’, by J Roebuck and G Coppack with JG Hurst.
- ‘A note on the terminology of pottery making sites’, S Moorhouse.
- ‘Notes on ‘Hertfordshire Greyware’ vessels from recent excavations in St Albans, with particular reference to size and shape as demonstrated by two new computer programs’, by AB Havercroft, A Turner-Rugg and G Rugg.
- ‘Stamford Ware fabrics’, by HN Leach.
- ‘Theory and practise in medieval ceramic studies’, by Peter J Davey.
- ‘Pottery and archaeology’, by Duncan Brown.
- ‘An attempt to make a replica 14th century Lincoln ware jug’, by Andrew MacDonald.
- ‘Documentary evidence for medieval ceramic roofing materials and its archaeological implications: some thoughts’, by Stephen Moorhouse.
- ‘The popularity of medieval vessel forms in Humberside’, by Colin Hayfield.
- ‘The 8th Gerald Dunning Memorial Lecture: The Continuing Tradition’, by P Brears.
- ‘The National Reference Collections of Medieval and Later Pottery’, by D Barker, B Nenk and M Redknap.
- ‘Middle Saxon pottery from the Buttermarket kiln, Ipswich, Suffolk’, by P Blinkhorn.
- ‘Caracterisation des productions des potiers Parisiens du XIIIème au XIXème Siècle’, by JC Echallier and J Bonnet.
- ‘An analysis of rim fragments of 14th century globular pots excavated in Utrecht’, TJ Pot and HL de Groot.
- ‘The York medieval tile-making experiment – a potter’s tale’, by J Hudson.
- ‘Ceramic Production in Dorset and the Surrounding Region’, by PS Spoerry.
- ‘Scottish Medieval Pottery: a Review’, by P Cheer.
- ‘The Survey of Medieval Ceramics from South-East Wales’, by C Papazian.
- ‘A Class of Non-Flemish Highly Decorated Ceramics found in the Bruges Area’, by B Hillewaert.
- ‘Red-painted Wasters from Urbar, near Koblenz (Rheinland-Pfalz)’, by M Redknap
- ‘The Ninth Gerald Dunning Memorial Lecture: Knuston Hall to Knuston Hall’, by T Hoekstra.
- ‘The Medieval Pottery Industry of Rockingham Forest, Northamptonshire’, by G Foard.
- ‘Three Pottery Bird Whistles from Stanion, Northamptonshire’, P Blinkhorn and JG Hurst.
- ‘An Aquamanile and a Spouted Jug in Lyveden-Stanion Ware’, by B Nenk and H Walker.
- ‘The Origins of Medieval Pottery in South-East Wales’, by S Clarke.
- ‘Recent Work on Medieval and Later Building Materials from London’, by I Betts, N Crowley and J Keily.
- ‘Metalworking ceramics’, by J Bayley.
- ‘A group of kiln waste from Harding’s Farm, Mill Green, Essex’, by FM Meddens and M Redknap.
- ‘The imported pottery from Fast Castle, near Dunbar, Scotland’, G Haggarty and S Jennings.
- ‘Juggling Jakobakannen’, by H Clevis.
- ‘The history of the Archive of Early Saxon Pottery Stamps’, by T Briscoe.
- ‘An Anglo-Saxon mammiform pottery vessel from Barton-on-Humber’, by P Didsbury.
- ‘Saxon and Medieval pottery from Eynsham Abbey, Oxfordshire’, by C Underwood-Keevill.
- ‘The pottery from Stratton Village, Biggleswade, and a nearby kiln at Everton, Bedfordshire’, by A Slowikowski.
- ‘Oilpot or what?’, by I Reed.
- ‘Medieval tile wasters from Monmouth’, by S Clarke.
- ‘Early pantiles from London’, by I Betts.
- Conference Summaries, by L Blackmore and M Redknap.
- ‘No sex, some H-M and lots of fine trade: medieval ceramic studies in Italy’, the 10th Gerald Dunning Memorial Lecture, by H Blake.
- ‘Ligurian Tablewares of the 13th to 15th centuries. New archaeological and thin section data’, by F Benente, A Gardini and S Sfrecola.
- ‘Italian pottery exported during the 15th and 16th centuries’, by M Milanese.
- ‘Imports of Spanish pottery to England in the Later Middle Ages’, by W Childs.
- ‘Seville coarsewares, 1300-1650: a preliminary typological survey’, by A Pleguezuelo-Hernández.
- ‘Martincamp Ware: a problem of attribution’, by P Ickowicz.
- ‘Imported pottery from the Bruges area’, by B Hillewaert.
- ‘Late medieval pottery on Dutch shipwrecks and a well-dated inventory of the Early 15th century’, by K Vlierman.
- ‘The imported pottery of Late Medieval Southampton’, by D Brown.
- ‘A Developed Stamford Ware coin-hoard pot from Wainfleet, Lincolnshire’, by B Nenk.
- ‘A devotional or amuletic ceramic purse from London’, by J Stevenson.
- ‘Continental stove-tiles from Canterbury’, by J Cotter.
- ‘Imported pottery in the medieval kingdom of Denmark’, by A Vince.
- The economic and social history of Renaissance maiolica’, by D Whitehouse
- ‘Conference Summary: Medieval Europe 1992 – the ceramic component’, by L Blackmore.
- ‘An Overview of Medieval Pottery Production in Spain Between the Thirteenth and Fifteenth Centuries’, by J Marti.
- ‘Iberian Unglazed Pottery from Antwerp (Belgium)’, by J Veeckman.
- ‘Dutch Redwares’, by JM Baart.
- ‘Pottery, the Port and the Populace: the Imported Pottery of London 1300-1600 (Part 1)’, by L Blackmore.
- ‘Imported Pottery in South-West England, c1350–1550′, by J Allan.
- ‘Thumbed and Sagging Bases on English Medieval Jugs: A Potter’s View’, by RW Newell.
- ‘Late Medieval Ceramics in Norway’, by I Reed.
- ‘Early Glazed Ware from Medieval Denmark’, by T Christensen, A-C Larsen, S Larsson and A Vince.
- ‘Two Stamford-type Ware Modelled Birds from London’, by B Nenk and J Pearce.
- ‘Oven-floor Tiles from a Tile Kiln in Farnham Park, Farnham, Surrey’, by N Riall.
- ‘Coin Hoard Pots, Humber Ware Drinking Jugs and the Problem of Nomenclature’, by S Jennings and C Barclay.
- ‘Ceramic Use Zones in Medieval Scotland’, by P Cheer.
- Conference Summary: Artifacts from Wrecks: the Archaeology of Material Culture from Shipwrecks of the Late Middle Ages to the Industrial Revolution (P Courtney)
- Conference Summary: World Ceramics Congress 1994, The Cultural Heritage (MJ Hughes and CR Orton)
- ‘Trade in Pottery Around the North Sea The Eleventh Gerald Dunning Lecture’, by A Vince
- ‘Shell-Tempered Ware From the Frisian Coastal Area’, by H Stilke
- ‘Pingsdorf-type Ware – An Introduction’, by C Keller
- ‘A Medieval Pottery Kiln at Ashampstead, Berkshire’, by L Mepham and M Heaton
- ‘Medieval Pottery from St Albans’, by A Turner-Rugg
- ‘Floor Tiles in Medieval and Post-Medieval Scotland’, by C Aliaga-Kelly and E Proudfoot
- ‘Some Notes on Splashed Glazes’, by R Newell
- ‘Notes on Some Staistical Aspects of Pottery Quantification’, by M Baxter and H Cool
- ‘The genetic information preserved in ceramics – a new tool for archaeological studies’, by A Lima-de-Faria
- ‘Conference Summary: Le VIe Congrès International sur la céramique Médiévale en Méditerranée, Aix-en-Provence’, by G Démians d’Archimbaud
- ‘The Late Medieval Pottery Industry on the North Suffolk Border’, by S Anderson, A Breen, J Caruth and D Gill
- ‘Lead Glazing Technique from a Medieval Kiln Site at Hanley Swan, Warwickshire’, by D Hurst and I Freestone
- ‘Glazed Eleventh-Century Wall Tiles from London’, by I Betts
- ‘Results of Neutron Activation Analysis on Tating Ware and the Mayen Industry’, by H Stilke, A Hein and H Mommesen
- ‘Middle Meuse Valley Ceramics of Huy-type: A Preliminary Analysis’, by W Giertz
- ‘A Complete Anthropomorphic/Zoomorphic Jug from Aberdeen’, by A Cameron
- ‘The Dean’s Dump? or the Merchant of Stafford?’, by DA Ford and A Gutiérrez
- ‘Interim statement on the excavation of a medieval kiln site at Eden Street, Kingston Upon Thames’, by R Stephenson and P Miller
- ‘Islamic Pottery in Christian Europe from the 10th to the 15th Century: The Twelfth Gerald Dunning Lecture’, by D Whitehouse
- ‘The Excavation of Two late Medieval Kilns with Associated Buildings at Glapthorn, near Oundle, Northamptonshire’, by G Johnston
- ‘Evidence for the Early 16th-Century Surrey-Hampshire Border Ware Industry from the City of London’, by J Pearce
- ‘Misplaced Faith? Medieval Pottery and Fieldwalking’, by C Gerrard
- ‘Cheapish and Spanish. Meaning and Design on Imported Spanish Pottery’, by A Gutiérrez
- ‘Pots from Houses’, by D Brown
- ‘Ceramics and the History of Consumptio: Pitfalls and Prospects’, by P Courtney
- ‘Medieval Vessels of Other Materials – A Non Ceramic View’, by G Egan
- ‘When did pots become domestic? Special pots and everyday pots in British prehistory’, by A Woodward
- ‘A Late Saxon pottery industry in Staffordshire: A review’, by D Ford
- ‘The trials of being a utensil: Pottery function at the medieval hamlet of West Cotton, Northamptonshire’, by P Blinkhorn
- ‘A medieval pottery kiln in Hallgate, Doncaster, South Yorkshire’, by C Cumberpatch, A Chadwick and S Atkinson
- ‘London’s earliest medieval roofing tiles: A comparative study’, by TP Smith
- ‘Sixteenth-century pottery from St. Albans’, by A Turner-Rugg
- ‘Irish medieval pottery – a proposal’ by C Sandes
- ‘Brickware objects of Low Countries origin in the collections of Hull Museums’, by D Evans and F Verhaeghe
- ‘Jan Emens Menneken of Raeren: auf der Pfau and far off?’, by W Giertz
- ‘Reduction and oxidation in English medieval kiln practice’, by RW Newell
- ‘Minimum standards: Sampling and statistics’, by C Orton
- ‘Minimum standards for quantifying pottery’, by P Arecelin and M Tuffreau-Libre
- ‘A medieval pottery kiln from Stead Lane, Thorner, Leeds’, by C Cumberpatch and I Roberts
- ‘An early medieval pottery production site at Bury Hill, Melton, Suffolk’, by S Anderson
- ‘Platform Wharf imported pottery: Potter’s inspiration or stock-in-trade?’, by R Stephenson
- ‘Left-learning handles’, by RW Newell
- ‘Four zoomorphic roof finials from Worcester’, by L Jones
- ‘Some early clay roof tiles from Bishop’s Waltham Palace, Hampshire’, by N Riall
- ‘The Medieval Pottery Research Group at Twenty-Five: Past, Present and Future’, by Various Authors
- ‘The Formation of the Second Generation: A Documented Version of the Origin and Early History of the MPRG’, by H Blake
- ‘Imported Ceramics Studies in Britain’, by J Hurst
- ‘Identity and Ethnicity: A Ceramic Case Study from the Isle of Man’, by P Davey
- ‘Pottery Studies in the North-West 1975-2000 and Beyond’, by J Edwards
- ‘Scottish Pottery Studies: 25 Years On’, by D Hall, G Haggerty and C Murray
- ‘Aspects of the Production, Ecolution and Use of Ceramic Building Materials in the Middle Ages’, by P Drury
- ‘The Gerald Dunning Archive and the Study of Medieval Ceramic Roof Furniture’, by B Hurman and B Nenk
- ‘Reinventing the Sherd: 25 Years of Pottery Statistics’, by C Orton
- ‘Fabric and Food: 25 Years of Scientific Analysis of Medieval Ceramics’, by M Hughes and J Evans
- ‘Medieval pottery from Forehill, Ely, Cambridgeshire’, by David Hall
- ‘Some late 12th or early 13th century great brick at Farnham Castle, Surrey’, by Nicholas Riall
- ‘A medieval pottery clam-kiln, possible workshop and settlement at Eshott, Northumberland’, by Piers Dixon and Amanda Crowdy
- ‘An evaluation of geochemical fingerprinting for the provenancing of Scottish redware pottery’, by Simon Chenery, Emrys Phillips and George Haggerty
- ‘Historically visible by archaeologically invisible? The Huguenots of Spitalfields’, by Nigel Jeffries
- ‘From maiolica to delftware: tin-glazed earthenware in London and the Low Countries, 1570-1630’, by John Black
- ‘Prologues and epilogues in Islamic ceramics: clays, repairs and secondary use’, by Marcus Millwright
- ‘Post-Roman pottery unearthed: medieval ceramics and pottery research in Greece’, by Athanasios K Vionis
- ‘PotWeb: museum documentation – a world vision’, by Jeremy Haslam, Maureen Mellor and Jonathan Moffett
Volume 28 (2004):
- ‘Medieval pottery kilns in Denmark’, by Jan Kock
‘Study of the Merovingian production centre at Maastricht-Wyck’, by Line Van Wersch
- ‘Excavations at the pottery production centre of Colstoun, East Lothian 1939, 1969, 1971, 1977 and 1999/2000’, by Derek Hall
- ‘Excavations at Burslem, Stoke on Trent’, by Paul Courtey and Noel Boothroyd
- ‘Lustreware production in Renaissance Italy and influences from the Mediterranean area’, by Marta Caroscio
- ‘Death and desire Factors affecting the consumption of pottery in medieval Worcestershire’, by Victoria Bryant
- ‘Changing rooms Fixtures, Fittings and Movable Goods in European lifestyles’, by Maureen Mellor
- ‘Pottery and identity in Saxon Sussex’, by Ben Jervis
- ‘The ‘material culture’ of monasteries in Liguria between the late middle ages and the early modern age’, by Paolo de Vigno
- ‘The use of wooden vessels in medieval institutions’, by Robin Wood
- ‘A late medieval whiteware from Clarence Street, York’, by Alan Vince
- ‘Normandy Whitewares from Ronaldsons Wharf, Edinburgh’, by Alan Vince and Richard Jones
- ‘The use of ceramics in late medieval and post-medieval monasteries: Data from three sites in eastern Flanders’, by Koen de Groote
- ‘An unexpected ‘catch’ for the Brixham trawler Cataer’, by Phillip Armitage and Kate Armitage
Volume 30 (2006-2008):
- ‘A late medieval household pottery group from Aveiro, Portugal, by Teresa Miguel Barbosa, Tania Manuel Casimiro and Rodolfo Manaia
- ‘Archaeological and instrumental analyses of pottery and wood from the ‘Leudo’ wreck of Varazze, Italy’, by F. Benente, A. Zucchiatti, M. E. Fedi, A. Cartocci, P. Prati, G. P. Martino and C. Bracco
- ‘A Midlands Purple and Cistercian Ware kiln at Church Lane, Ticknall, South Derbyshire’ by Anne Boyle and Ian Rowlandson
- ‘Recent excavations of pottery kilns and workshops at New Carron Road, Stenhousemuir, 2007’, by Derek Hall
- ‘For Richer, for Poorer: A study of pottery distribution in medieval Southampton within its socio-economic context’, by Ben Jervis
- ‘Tin and the medieval Mudejar ceramics from paterna’, by Anna McSweeney
- ‘Medieval fishing communities in coastal Flanders, Belgium, and western Mediterranean commodities’, by Marnix Pieters and Frans Verhaege
- ‘A pottery production site at Samlesbury, near Preston, Lancashire’, by Phillip N Wood, Jeremy Bradley and Ian Miller
Volume 31 (2010):
- ‘Vessels used for shipping goods in the Western Mediterranean during the late Middle Ages and early Modern periods’; by Marta Caroscio
- ‘Cobalt blue in medieval ceramic production in the Valencian workshops. Manises, Paterna and Valencia, Spain’, by Jaume Coll Conesa
- ‘Mediterranean and Ligurian ceramics in Genoa in the 12th and 13th centuries. New data from the excavation of the Embriaci Tower’, by Fabrizio Benente
- ‘Faith made manifest An interpretation of the decoration on Cistercian Wares’, by Janet Spavold
- ‘A post-medieval production site at Elphinstone, Airth, Stirlingshire’, by Sue Anderson
Volume 33 (2012):
- ‘Middle Anglo-Saxon continental wares in Norfolk A social interpretation’, by Gareth Davies
- ‘Marbleised pottery in Tuscany (1570–1650)’, by Anna Moore Valeri
- ‘Ceramic production in Granada and in the southeast of the Iberian Peninsula during the late Middle Ages Clays, tools and pots some preliminary notes’, by Alberto García Porras , Claudio Capelli, Roberto Cabella, Julia Romero Pastor, Carolina Cardell
- ‘Excavations at North Berwick nunnery tile kiln, Old Abbey Road, North Berwick’, by Derek Hall
- ‘The Medieval and Later pottery from Niddrie near Edinburgh’, by George Haggarty and Michael Hughes
- ‘Following their trade without interruption Evidence of the Flemish potters and early tin-glazed ware production in Norwich’, by Richenda Goffin