Medieval Ceramics 19, 1995

Medieval Ceramics 19, 1995

A4, 136 pages, including 4 full-page colour plates


K Barclay and M Hughes
Trade in Pottery Around the North Sea: The Eleventh Gerald Dunning Lecture
A Vince
Shell-tempered ware from the Frisian Coastal Area
H Stilke
Pingsdorf-type Ware – An Introduction
C Keller
A medieval pottery kiln at Ashampstead, Berkshire
L Mepham and MJ Heaton
Medieval pottery from St Albans
A Turner-Rugg
Floor tiles in medieval and post-medieval Scotland
C Aliaga-Kelly and E Proudfoot
Some notes on ‘splashed glazes’
RW Newell
Notes on some statistical aspects of pottery quantification
MJ Baxter and HEM Cool


The genetic information preserved in ceramics – a new tool for archaeological studies
A Lima-de-Faria
Conference Summary: Le VIe Congrès International sur la céramique Médiévale en Méditerranée, Aix-en-Provence
G Démians d’Archimbaud

Review article

Valediction or Vision? M Mellor Medieval Ceramic Studies in England. A Review for English Heritage (R Hodges) 103


AC Bardet Pottery Traded to Dorestad: Some Exploratory Archeometric Analyses of Early Medieval Rhenish Wares (J van Doesburg) 107
RM van Heeringen and F Verhaeghe in RM van Heeringen, PA Henderikx and A Mars (edsVroeg-Middeleeuwse ringwalburgen in Zeeland (M Bartels) 108
G Krause (edStadtarchäologie in Duisburg 1980-1990, Duisburger Forschungen Band 38 (M Redknap) 109
EK Hougen Kaupang Funnene Bind IIIb: Bosetningsomradets Keramikk (L Blackmore) 111
CM Gerrard, A Gutiérrez and A Vince (edsSpanish Medieval Ceramics in Spain and the British Isles (B Thompson) 113
DA Ford Medieval Pottery in Staffordshire (D Higgins) 114
S Jennings Medieval Pottery in the Yorkshire Museum (B Nenk) 115



Trade in Pottery around the North Sea: The Eleventh Gerald Dunning Lecture

Alan Vince

Following some personal recollections of Gerald Dunning, I then review my work on English pottery exported to Scandinavia. This work suggests that the mid 13th century marked a change in the orientation of English-Scandinavian pottery trade. Before this, the main English centres involved were in the Thames Basin (London-type ware and Shelly-sandy ware) and at Stamford. After this date, the trade appears to be dominated by wares from Yorkshire and Norfolk, reflecting the growth of Hull and King’s Lynn. Finally, I make suggestions as to how this study might be progressed.


Shell-tempered ware from the Frisian coastal area

H Stilke

The use of shell for temper in the early medieval period was not confined to English pottery, for a group of similar material was produced in the Frisian coastal area. This paper outlines the main features of the Frisian ware and the current state of research. It has become clear that this continental ware is essentially distinguishable from the English fabrics and has an almost separate distribution. In the wake of trade across the North Sea, however, pottery from both provenances reached some of the same trade centres, where it is particularly important to consider typological details in order to make a positive attribution.


Pingsdorf-type Ware – an introduction

Christopher Keller

Pingsdorf-type ware was produced at different sites in the Rhineland from the 10th to the 12th centuries. It was one of the first Rhenish wares to be exported in large quantities, not only to northern parts of Germany and the Netherlands, but also to England and Scandinavia. research has concentrated on the dating of Pingsdorf-type ware in general, without providing a general view of the typology. This paper, based on published material only, attempts to describe the different forms produced in Pingsdorf-type ware.


A Medieval pottery kiln at Ashampstead, Berkshire

Lorraine Mepham and Michael J Heaton

Landscaping work in October 1992 to the rear of domestic properties bordering Ashampstead Common, near Newbury in Berkshire, uncovered large quantities of medieval pottery. Limited examination of the landscaped area in January 1993 demonstrated that at least two phases of medieval kiln were present on the site, beneath a very thin cover of ploughsoil, within archaeological contexts yielding large quantities of medieval pottery of late 12th- to 13th-century date.


Medieval pottery from St Albans

A Turner-Rugg

A large quantity of pottery, consisting mainly of a restricted range of wares, manufactured locally, has been recovered from medieval St Albans. There is a small proportion of wares from non-local but mostly British sources, few of which have been identified. By association and stratigraphic position, using those contexts most likely to contain non-residual pottery, these wares have been grouped into five ceramic phases ranging in date from the 11th to the 16th century, which illustrate a gradual development from unglazed sandy, gritty and calcareous wares through highly standardised, unglazed, sandy greywares, to the use of glazed wares, both locally-made and imported, mainly from the London area and Surrey.


Floor tiles in medieval and post-medieval Scotland

Christopher Aliaga-Kelly and Edwina Proudfoot

Detailed studies have been made of floor tiles from three locations in Scotland. Examination of two-colour tiles from 18 Broomgate, the site of the Greyfriars, Lanark, revealed decoration unlike that on other tiles of this type found in Scotland. Remains of a floor from the chapel at Mount Lothian, Midlothian were found to be of imported Flemish tile, a type also present at Niddry Castle, West Lothian. Tile with relief-moulded decoration was also found here and compared with similar tile from castles in East Lothian. Further analysis, using tile from other sites, along with neglected documentary evidence, provided more information on the manufacture, trade and the use of tile in Scotland.


Some notes on ‘splashed glazes’

RW Newell

This paper reviews some technical aspects of medieval glazing, including the use of glaze binders, forms of lead, methods of glaze application and the effects of firing. It is argued that medieval ‘splashed glazes’ could have been produced by a variety of glazing techniques. The well-known glazing recipe of Eraclius is discussed and some examples of medieval splashed glazed wares are described.


Notes on some statistical aspects of pottery quantification

MJ Baxter and HEM Cool

The quantification of finds assemblages from excavations, as an aid to the comparative study of assemblages and sites, is a developing and increasingly important aspect of post-excavation analysis. In the area of pottery studies a major influence has been the work of Clive Orton and Paul Tyers, culminating in the recent release of the ‘pie-slice’ package for computer analysis.

Much of the published literature is either highly technical, or of an expository nature which needs a great deal of the technical material and underlying assumptions to be taken on trust. The present paper is intended to be intermediate between these two levels.

We address some of the more complex or less obvious issues involved in application of the pie-slice ‘philosophy’. A worked example is given to highlight aspects of some of the assumptions and calculations involved. Some attention is given to what can be done outside the pie-slice package. One concern is the analysis of assemblages that have been quantified using estimated vessel equivalents (eves), but not in a manner that allows conversion to pottery information equivalents (pies) in the pie-slice package.

Pingsdorf Pot
