Minimum Standards for the Processing, Recording, Analysis and Publication of Post-Roman Ceramics
This occasional paper was superseded by A Standard for Pottery Studies in Archaeology (published by Prehistoric Ceramic Research Group (PCRG), Study Group for Roman Pottery (SGRP) and MPRG) and funded by Historic England.
Our second Occasional Paper, published in 2001, is a detailed standards document which should form the baseline for all medieval pottery studies from this point forwards.
These standards will be of value to medieval pottery analysts, but are also aimed at curatorial and development control archaeologists. Their use as part of the planning process should ensure that medieval pottery recording for all sites will aspire to a minimum standard which has been agreed by members of the profession.
Part I is a summary, which will be distributed to planning archaeologists to encourage use of the standards. Part II is a detailed document covering the study of pottery at all levels of a project (project design, fieldwork, assessment, analysis, dissemination and archive), with guidance at every stage. The appendices cover special instances such as the treatment of whole pots, sampling for residue analysis, and a list of ceramic type series and reference collections.
Format: A4
Binding: card cover
Extent: 28 pages
ISSN: 0 9506105 3 4
Price: GBP £4.50 (postage and packing not included, will be added to your bill)
Order copies from: MPRG, c/o Museum of London Specialist Services, Mortimer Wheeler House, 46 Eagle Wharf Road, LONDON N1 7ED.
Erratum Slip if you have already purchased a copy of the publication.