‘Genius in a Cracked Pot’: Late Medieval Reduced Wares: A Regional Synthesis
by Anna Slowikowski

Funded by English Heritage the regional synthesis of Late Medieval Reduced ware draws together research on pottery from six production sites in the south-east Midlands. Detailed characterisation of the pottery, supported by petrological and chemical analyses, has shown that it is possible to distinguish the products from each site, both by fabric and form. Varying manufacturing techniques were identified and using archaeomagnetic dating, documentary evidence and the characteristics of the pottery a chronological sequence suggested for the study sites.
Format: A4
Binding: Paperback
Extent: 92 pages
Price: UK GBP £12; Europe GBP £14 including p&p
Ordering details: The order form is available (PDF). Cheques in sterling should be made payable to ‘Medieval Pottery Research Group’, for other currencies and methods of payment please email the Treasurer for details and additional charges. Available from Lyn Blackmore, MPRG Assistant Treasurer, c/o Museum of London Archaeology, Mortimer Wheeler House, 46 Eagle Wharf Road, London N1 7ED.