The Ipswich Ware Project: Ceramics, Trade and Society in Middle Saxon England
by Paul Blinkhorn

The Middle Saxon period (c AD 650-850) saw the emergence of England from two centuries of historical and archaeological uncertainty, and the rise of the first proto-urban centres since Roman times. Ipswich Ware is the only indigenous Middle Saxon pottery which has a widespread distribution outside its production hinterland, and its study, particularly the details of its manufacture, distribution and decoration offer an excellent opportunity for enhancing our understanding of the political, economic and social systems of the period. Ipswich ware is radically different on every level from any preceding or contemporary indigenous Anglo-Saxon pottery and it has long been felt that a clearer understanding of its origins, manufacture, distribution and use would be of immense value to the study of Middle Saxon England.
Format: A4
Binding: Paperback
Extent: 160 pages
ISBN: 0950610585
Price: UK £16.00; Europe £20.00 including p&p
Ordering details: The order form is available (PDF). Cheques in sterling should be made payable to ‘Medieval Pottery Research Group’, for other currencies and methods of payment please email the Treasurer for details and additional charges. Available from Lyn Blackmore, MPRG Assistant Treasurer, c/o Museum of London Archaeology, Mortimer Wheeler House, 46 Eagle Wharf Road, London N1 7ED.